查看完整版本: [-- 客戶要來驗廠專看Class 2(IPC-A-610D) --]

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ctkao 2010-02-11 17:09
國外客戶要來驗廠專看Class 2(IPC-A-610D),請問廠裡要準備些什麼資料給客戶看呢?請教各位質量專家.Thanks!

pinocchiox 2010-02-12 20:28
IPC-A-610D里的Class 2指的应该是产品级别分类,具体为专用服务类电子产品,
感觉重点会在厂内产品检验规范是否符合IPC Class 2, 引一下摘录供参考,建议

1.4.1 Classification
The customer (user) has the ultimate responsibility for
identifying the class to which the assembly is evaluated.
Documentation that specifies the applicable class for the
assembly under inspection needs to be provided to the
Accept and/or reject decisions needs to be based on applicable
documentation such as contracts, drawings, specifications,
standards and reference documents. Criteria defined in
this document reflect three classes, which are as follows:
Class 1 — General Electronic Products
Includes products suitable for applications where the major
requirement is function of the completed assembly.
Class 2 — Dedicated Service Electronic Products
Includes products where continued performance and
extended life is required, and for which uninterrupted service
is desired but not critical. Typically the end-use environment
would not cause failures.
Class 3 — High Performance Electronic Products
Includes products where continued high performance or
performance-on-demand is critical, equipment downtime cannot
be tolerated, end-use environment may be uncommonly
harsh, and the equipment must function when required, such
as life support or other critical systems.

ctkao 2010-02-14 02:06
客戶說要來看Class 2,我也是看著IPC-A-610D裡的1.4.1,卻研究了半天但還是有些摸不著頭緒!

不過經您說明,應該也不出ISO 9001的範圍吧,

openwon 2010-03-09 14:26
从你的工艺文件、检验文件、设备公差设置、培训记录到员工真正掌握IPC-A-610D class II,一些列方面下手准备。

fuyaoxin 2010-03-09 14:45


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